













1. 交通茶馆:位于重庆九龙坡黄桷坪正街,是当地唯一保持蜀渝市井生态风格的茶馆。这里环境古朴,充满了历史韵味。茶馆内的青瓷盖碗、竹壳热水瓶等物品,都透露出那个时代的特色。在这里,你不仅能品尝到重庆沱茶,还能感受到浓厚的茶文化氛围。

桑拿2. 马家茶馆:位于重庆渝中区解放碑附近,是一家有着百年历史的茶馆。这里装修古朴,环境优雅,是品茗、谈心的好去处。茶馆内提供多种茶叶,价格亲民,让你在悠闲的时光里,尽享茶香。

3. 王家茶馆:位于重庆南岸区,是一家具有民族特色的茶馆。这里以泡制绿茶为主,茶叶品种丰富,价格实惠。在这里,你可以品尝到正宗的重庆绿茶,感受茶香与山城的韵味。

1. 沱茶:作为重庆茶叶的代表作,沱茶以其色泽暗绿、香气清正、滋味浓厚甘和等特点,深受茶友喜爱。在重庆,沱茶的价格相对亲民,是约茶的好选择。

2. 龙珠茶:龙珠茶是重庆著名茶叶品种之一,早在唐代就闻名全国。其色泽翠绿,香气浓郁,滋味鲜爽,具有很高的观赏价值和品饮价值。

3. 永川秀芽:永川秀芽象征着秀丽幽雅的巴山蜀水,其鲜叶以早白尖、南江茶等良种为优,标准为一芽一叶,要求芽叶完整、新鲜、洁净。永川秀芽口感鲜爽,是品茗的佳品。

4. 茉莉花茶:茉莉花茶是重庆人的挚爱,具有清心、明目、去火等功效。在重庆,茉莉花茶分为大众类和名茶类,价格亲民,适合大众消费。


1. 盘溪茶叶批发市场:位于重庆沙坪坝区,是重庆最大的茶叶批发市场。这里茶叶品种齐全,价格实惠,是购买茶叶的好去处。

2. 南桥寺茶叶市场:位于重庆南岸区,是重庆市首个茶叶专业批发市场。这里茶叶质量可靠,价格合理,是茶叶爱好者的理想购物地。
















1. 干蒸房:采用远红外线技术,快速升温,有助于加速血液循环,促进新陈代谢。

2. 湿蒸房:采用蒸汽加热,让顾客在湿润的环境中放松身心,缓解疲劳。

3. 盐蒸房:采用天然盐晶加热,有助于排出体内毒素,改善肌肤状况。

4. 冰蒸房:在高温蒸房之后,进入冰蒸房,使身体迅速降温,达到清热解毒的效果。

5. 水疗池:设有多个按摩水柱,帮助缓解肌肉酸痛,促进血液循环。



1. 桑拿师:为顾客提供专业的桑拿指导,确保顾客在享受桑拿的过程中,既安全又舒适。

2. 美容师:为顾客提供面部护理、身体护理等服务,帮助顾客改善肌肤状况。

3. 健身教练:为顾客提供专业的健身指导,帮助顾客在享受桑拿的同时,保持良好的身体状态。



1. 食疗:酒店提供多种养生菜品,如炖汤、药膳等,帮助顾客在桑拿之后,补充能量。

2. 瑜伽:酒店设有瑜伽教室,顾客可在专业瑜伽教练的指导下,进行瑜伽练习,达到身心放松的效果。

3. 中医理疗:酒店聘请中医专家,为顾客提供专业的理疗服务,帮助顾客缓解身体不适。






1. 桑拿场所艾滋病疫情呈上升趋势


2. 传播途径以性传播为主


3. 高危人群聚集



1. 加强宣传教育


2. 强化监管力度


3. 开展高危人群筛查


4. 推广安全性行为


5. 建立艾滋病防治长效机制









1. 舒适的环境


2. 专业化的服务


3. 多元化的活动


4. 安全的保障




1. 服务质量提升


2. 品牌化发展


3. 社会责任担当




After seeing Qin Changfeng, the iron blood tester flashed a trace of indecision in his eyes, as if he were curious about his race. Qin Changfeng should be an alien in his expectation, right

King to king, commander to commander.
At this time, the captains of the two trial training towers unexpectedly responded directly to the usual situation. How will this situation develop?
General, dead chess!
Fight to the death directly!
But now they have each demonstrated their power far beyond the same level, but the two men did not continue to do it, but stared at each other calmly
"Your teammates don’t seem so good?" Iron blood tester ferocious black iron mask eyes indifferent swept eye three religions team four people.
Qin Changfeng also took a look at the four flying testers and laughed lightly. "But your teammates seem to be so much."
At four teammates, the iron tester was noncommittally silent.
At this moment, the experimenters of both sides changed their expressions at the same time because both sides saw that a teammate died on the log map!
No.23 Trial Tower, it’s natural that there is a sharp sword and the nebula team. It’s a coincidence that this time it’s the death and the nebula team, but one of them sacrificed for the other three people to die.
Obviously, after the two teams joined forces, they found an enemy team that had just arrived and immediately occupied the wind.
"Play more and divide-and-conquer less … you won the first game, but everything is just"
The iron-blood tester murmured a sentence with a fluctuating sound, and a scroll suddenly appeared in his hand. After tearing it, a white light spread and immediately enveloped him and three teammates around him.
A man’s face changed slightly and looked at the silver metal man who was stopped by Qin Changfeng and was in a dying state. "Captain Yinwei, he …"
"It’s just a waste. If you die, you die."
The cold tone of the iron-blood tester dropped their shadow and disappeared completely after the white light became hazy in the blink of an eye.
"Do random groups send scrolls?"
This scroll is different from the one in Qin Changfeng’s hand. They are all sent directly to a random place at a certain distance, while the latter is designated by other teammates to be sent to coordinate teammates, each with its own advantages and disadvantages.
But no matter what kind, once the other party can look forward to sighing … The delivery time is 5 seconds and cannot be interrupted!
At the same time, the eyes were closed in the murmur, and a picture appeared in Qin Changfeng’s mind, which was exactly what happened after the iron-blood tester and three teammates were sent away … Two of his first four palms were attached to mark the secret meaning, while the third-level dragon-fighting sumeru palm marked the secret meaning for three minutes, and it will only disappear for about a minute now!
Moreover, because the sharing of vision is a state that has no negative threat to the tester, just like the mental imprint of some testers in determining their orientation, they will not get a log to show that all some people with super sensitivity can take the initiative to find it.
At this time, Qin Changfeng saw their new coordinates and what happened in the next minute clearly through the two vision sharing testers.
Seeing that the iron blood tester showed his forearm and his tiny brain, he looked around and seemed to be determining something against the complicated and difficult graphics.
Qin Changfeng, the miniature brain figure, obviously couldn’t understand it. At last, he saw that four people were walking in the direction outside the central battlefield, which was very abnormal.
You know, although the whole planet is a battlefield in theory, the core battlefield has the scope of this huge jungle, and the place where the testers come is also in the jungle. It is normal for them to meet with other teams first instead of leaving the central battlefield alone.
One-minute vision sharing ended soon, and Qin Changfeng didn’t know what they were going to do because there was no sound in the vision. At this time, he reviewed everything from the beginning, and he soon found several particularly suspicious and vaguely related things.
Is it really only because this battlefield is beneficial to the first iron blood tester to force this battlefield?
Second, why would he take the initiative to retreat when there is only initial contact and there is no separation between strength and weakness? Even at the expense of a Zhang Zhengui group to send scrolls, this is not in line with a confident and strong mentality. Qin Changfeng himself was not going to let it go.
Third, what did they do away from the scene and go to another place at this time? Doing so is suspected of giving up the teammates who stayed in the battlefield.
"Grandma said you were a fool. You still don’t believe that you were abandoned naked, do you?"

Zhu Wei was very embarrassed to hear this. He didn’t know what to say in the same place, but he was also a little timid, because no one who rushed in outside looked like a good crop.

Qin Yu hesitated briefly before taking a step.
Just then, the strong guy who had just been knocked down by Zhu Wei sat up, clutching his bleeding head and cursing, "How dare the dog hit me here?"
"You don’t move" JiLin next to the guy shouted a pointing at him.
"Don’t move? I go to your mother! " The strong guy immediately rushed up without saying anything, raised his fist and slammed it on Zhu Wei’s head. "Are you scaring your dad with a broken gun?"
Zhu Wei was beaten back three or four steps.
"Don’t do it."
"Don’t move. You’re attacking a law enforcement officer."
The three groups of people were fairly calm. When they saw Zhu Wei being beaten, they surrounded the strong guy immediately.
"I will attack you. Why?" The strong guy was almost killed by Zhu Wei just now. At this moment, his anger surged back and grabbed a box cutting tape dagger at the counter and roared in two steps, "Fuck you, don’t say just a few goods, even if Li Pang sent another 500 people, you can’t go out."
As soon as the angry young man pointed a knife at the crowd, he stabbed him.
Qi Lin has been hiding, but I didn’t expect that the first stabbing direction of the strong guy in the crowd was actually his own side. Because Zhu Wei saw the other side with a knife, he immediately hid across the step.
"fuck!" When Ji Lin scolded him, he found that he had come and didn’t dodge. He could lean back and want to protect himself.
Just as the knife was about to stab into Qi Lin’s body, Qin Yu squeezed the crowd and grabbed the dagger stabbed by the strong guy with one hand.
The palm of your hand clutched the blade, and the blood rushed to the floor in a streamlined shape.
JiLin took two steps back in shock and looked at Qin Yu in amazement.
After a short silence, the strong young man glared at Qin Yu and shouted, "You can hold a knife with your hands. Are you fucking invulnerable?"
After saying this, the strong guy will stab again if he draws a knife.
Qin Yu clasped the young man’s wrist like a flash of his left hand and looked up at the middle-aged man on the stairs and shouted, "Brother, we are not looking for trouble, but the company has received reports that there are counterfeit drugs here, so we can’t come and see them, but as soon as you enter the room, your brother will take a gun, and my colleague can’t help but fight back to control the scene."
The bald man bent down in a military coat and sat directly on the stairs and bowed his head and took out a cigarette. He didn’t reply.
Qin Yu still held the strong guy’s wrist and continued with a smile. "I just arrived in Songjiang and didn’t know that the water in Tuzha Street is shallow. Since it is a misunderstanding and there is no medicine here, we will go back. Do you think it’s ok, big brother?"
"Since there is no medicine sold here, why do you hit people?" Bald man smoking a cigarette with a smile on his face and asked
Qin Yuwen was silent for a few seconds. "Brother, it’s because of you that we have food. It’s not easy for everyone to depend on each other … so it’s best for no one to be difficult. What do you say?"
"What can you do if you are difficult?" Strong guy eyes fierce drink asked
Bald man smoking a cigarette twist a head vomitted yellow phlegm still didn’t speak.
Qin Yu paused briefly with a smile on his face and turned to the bald man and said, "Brother, we may not be able to solve the case in Tuzha Street, but don’t you have to do business out of Tuzha Street?"
When the bald man heard this, his arm paused a little before he opened his mouth and said, "Let them go."
"Just roll away and beat me for nothing?" The strong guy topped the bald man with a gloomy look and shouted at Qin Yu and others, "You can go out if you want. You stripped me of all your clothes and jumped out of the dirt street."
"Don’t go too far!"
Three groups here have always been very personality to march clutching a gun roar.
Qin Yuwen turned around and grabbed Qi’s arm and said solemnly, "Just jump and jump."
Qi was very wronged and responded, "Qin group, can they feel better if we don’t go out?" Mom, many people can fucking … "
"I told you to listen to me" Qin Yu glared at her eyes and yelled.
March bit his teeth and didn’t say anything.
"Strip leapfrog jump out" Qin Yu shouted back at one of their own.
The bald man on the stairs suddenly whispered, "Why do you check our Tuzha Street when there are more people in this business?"
Qin Yu one leng should way "received some reports let’s come and check, I don’t know what happened"
The bald man got up slowly and walked towards the building with his back to Qin Yu and said, "The dirt street is a bit messy. It’s okay after bullying. Don’t go here. There are so many people outside. Where can you find the murderer?"
With that, the bald man disappeared into the stairs.
five minutes later
Even Qin Yu, a policeman, squatted in a row with bare arms and jumped to the periphery of Tuzha Street in the way of leapfrog in the street.
Dozens of young adults carrying weapons on the roadside looked at them coldly and said nothing.
Almost every family in the buildings on both sides of the street has open windows. Some people are smoking cigarettes, others are holding their shoulders, and they are indifferent to watching Qin Yu and others jumping to the periphery.
I don’t know how long it has been quiet. Suddenly someone in the building on the right shouted, "Fuck you and kill you again."
A roar echoed in the dark for a long time.
Then a large number of glass bottles and medicine cans were smashed from the building.
Qin Yu took the lead in getting up and yelling, and everyone was flustered and disappeared into the night.
The second floor of the facade shop
The bald man sat in an old wooden chair and frowned at the strong guy who was wrapping gauze around his head and asked, "Are the brothers scattered?"
"Well, they’re all gone." The strong guy nodded
"Call a few brothers to come over and transfer the goods." The bald man ordered, "Don’t release the goods to the outside for a while these days."
Strong guy one leng "are you afraid of three uncle? Are we still guarding against those little police officers who just showed up or didn’t know the depth? What’s the price of all the medicines outside? How many poor patients in this dirt street are pointing at us and shouting? Can thousands of people come out of this street to help us? "
"Do what you are told. Don’t be a jerk with me." The bald man said concisely with his shoulder in his arms. "Call two brothers at once."

I don’t know.

"All right, then please, Uncle Ha."
"Don’t worry," the old man waved.
After the two exchanged views, the two military personnel stepped across the road and returned to the car.
"What’s the situation?"
"Ran" middle-aged low replied "layer judgment should be correct, this pedicure shop must be with Wang Nan and Liu Chengyou"
"Well, I’ll give you a message first." The co-pilot took out his mobile phone.
Five minutes later, Jiang Xue received a message and said with a slight frown, "Even the butcher shop has been removed. Then we checked this direction correctly. So you tell the brothers in the ninth district to let them withdraw. I will chase this line myself."
Qin Yu, a VIP reception building in Beifengkou, sat on the sofa for a long time and dialed a number.
"hello? Teacher Qin "
"What are you doing, Kim?" Qin Yu asked with a smile
"I’m fine. I’m playing cards with Lao Zhou Chengdong," Jin Taizhu replied fluently in Chinese.
A military camp in an unknown area
Seven officers are playing cards together. One of them has lost 50,000 to 60,000 yuan back and forth. He is a little anxious, smoking a cigarette, frowning and saying, "Little Six, get me some money."
"Brother, don’t play with your back. I’m also quite tight here."
"… fuck me, the big money horse is here. Can I owe you yellow?" The man shouted, "Get me some quickly."
Chapter DiErWuSan A meeting of five hundred million
Xiang Zehao stayed in Beifengkou for two days and then returned to Fengbei City.
More than seven o’clock on Friday night
Zhan Zhengchong personally took Xiang Zehao, and he took a bus to the Party and Government Self-Defense Army.
Lu Zhan is rushing to ask, "How do you talk to Qin Laohei?"
"I gave Wu’s mercenary group five hundred million yuan, and they changed their flags and hung them in the battle sequence of our Self-Defense Forces." The words of Hao’s choice answered flatly, "The base has settled the matter and we want to make money here."
Zhan Zhengchong pondered for a long time and still couldn’t help waking up: "Qin Lao Hei did it with a purpose."
Item choose hao twist a head to look at him without saying anything.
"He wants to divide our party, government, military and political intentions." Zhan Zhengchong said very rationally, "After the military conflict in Tongchuan Town, Shen Wanzhou has taken the lead in imposing economic and military sanctions on the Sichuan government. This trick is to break the situation. He wants the nine districts to mess up first."
"I know" item choose hao nodded.
"… the old item I am afraid Qin Yu is fooling you" Zhan Zhengchong honest and frank remonstrated "Wu’s mercenary group troops were all brought up by Wu Tianyin, and there were many soldiers with solid foundation since childhood. They believed in Wu Tianyin just like the old triangle people believed in Pu Blind, and people there privately called Wu Tianyin Wu Huang for this kind of dominance and prestige. Even if we put officers in his army after they were incorporated, it would not have any effect, and it would be even more impossible to take over the core force. That Wu Tianyin took it. Direct play collapsed. "
"Qin Yu and Wu Tianyin won’t do this." Xiang Xuan Hao responded arbitrarily.
"What makes you think they won’t do this?" Zhan Zhengchong asked
"What is Qin Yu doing so?" Xiang Zehao asked.
Zhan Zhengchong thought about it and replied, "He must want to join the fight in the ninth district."
"Then what good is it for him to fool me?" Xiang Xuan Hao raised his eyebrows and said, "The gang in the nine districts firmly agree with the unification of the three districts, which may be me and the commander of World War II District Zhou. After he played me, are there any reliable allies?" Once there is no political conflict between the party, government and military, where can Qin Yu find an opportunity? "
Zhan Zhengchong was silent when he heard this.
"More importantly," Choe Hao paused and said, "I have been in contact with Qin Yu for a long time. Although there is no big deal, I believe that he is indeed ambitious, but he has never done anything out of line in his own alliance position. It is not wrong for the governor to look at people."
"Well," Zhan Zhengchong slowly nodded off the topic and continued, "Even if Qin Yu didn’t fool you, we will be under the pressure of the Ministry. The former party and government, including your father, are determined to stand firm on Shen Sha’s position, while the only military armed force of our party and government will cooperate with Shen Sha’s hostile warlords … this … this will definitely provoke most contradictions. First of all, the parliament is having a hard time."
Item choose hao long out of relief, twist a head to look out of the window and said "old zhan you said we set up guard what is the meaning? Is it to increase the weight of the struggle for profit to support those old people or to defend the country? "
Zhan Zhengchong was silent for a long time. "This question is too big for me to answer."
"Long-term pain is better than short-term pain." Xiang Zehao frowned and said, "The warlord era in the ninth district must end as soon as possible. I have decided to do it."
Zhan Zhengchong actually guessed what he was thinking from the first sentence that Xiang Zehao just said, and he also knew that he would not change his decision, but what he advised him was to do his duty as a friend and a subordinate.
They each looked out of the window and were silent for a long time before choosing Hao took the initiative to say, "Call Liu from the financial department and all the people in the group. I’ll have a meeting later."
"Is it too late today?" ZhanZhengChong glanced at his watch and said

"Come and give me the certificate," the leader shouted

Wu Tianyin hesitated for a long time and bowed their heads and took out the certificate and handed it to each other.
Police officers frown swept several eyes immediately asked "this is not you call Wu Tianyin? I just asked you why you didn’t reply? "
"Eldest brother, I’m here on a business trip, and this identity is right. Can we talk outside?" Wu Tianyin said with a low pleading tone, "I went to your place yesterday."
"Aren’t you Wu Tian?" The leader was very confused and asked 1.
Wu Tianyin looked back and explained to the other party that "that was my former name."
"Have you ever given a pseudonym?" The police officer looked at Wu Tianyin and pointed to the ground and shouted, "Come on, you should crouch behind your hands first."
"Sir! ! !” Wu Tianyin’s eyes are red now and his fists are clenched. "I went to your place yesterday, so can’t I go out and talk?"
"What have you done in your heart is not clear? !” The police officer stared at his eyes and replied, "I’m carrying out public duties. Why should I go out with you?"? I don’t verify the identity of others? "
"I said I went to your place for the record."
"I didn’t see you put on record." The police officer didn’t listen to Wu Tianyin’s explanation and turned to the wall and shouted, "Come on, take out all your documents and hurry up."
The leader looked gloomy and Wu Tianyin gritted his teeth and touched his trouser pocket wallet.
The guest glanced at Wu Tianyin with a stunned look. "What is all this?"
"Don’t talk!" The police officer reprimanded and turned to his colleague and said, "Take the police to check their residence permit."
Next to the police officer, he heard that Jingtong, who was more than ten centimeters long, bowed his head and lit the screen, and then went to the crowd.
Wu Tianyin eyes looked at all this in despair and did not move.
By the wall, everyone took their residence cards and brushed them one by one before the leading police officer asked, "Do they have any criminal record of riots?"
"No" police officer shook his head.
"Riots? !” The guest’s eyes glanced at him in amazement, and they were already suspicious.
"It’s all right, it’s good that the misunderstanding investigation is finished." The leader immediately rushed to the guest and said, "Sorry."
The guest gave him a look and didn’t answer.
"Do you still take it back?" Take JingTong youth asked.
The policeman put away his gun and looked up at the crowd. He whispered, "Go to their room and search the luggage one by one. If it is not illegal, you can let it go."
"Just search me. Why are you searching for them?" Wu Tianyin stopped before.
The policeman frowned back and said, "Who can tell that there is no problem with you?" What if it is illegal? "
Wu Tianyin fists clenched and trembled and looked at each other without saying a word.
"Take their key card to search." The police officer pointed to his companion and said, "You squat!"
Wu Tianyin looked at each other with cold eyes, hesitated for a long time, and finally bent his legs and squatted on the ground as when he was arrested twelve years ago.
The leader looked down at Wu Tianyin with anger in his eyes.
After the seven police officers entered the house, all the actions were in line with the investigation procedures. Because Wu Tianyin had committed a special crime and had a high probability of committing the same kind of crime again, he was closely monitored by the government, just like drug trafficking before the end of the world.
But although the program is no problem, it is very cold to execute, just like it snows all the year round outdoors in winter, and there is no spring flowers for a long time.
Songjiang dog factory
Ma Laoer sat in the chair and asked with an expression, "What happened?"
Zhou Ming wiped his face and was silent for a long time and asked, "Can you give me a rabies vaccine first … I feel a little itchy when I step on a horse!"
Liu Shu a listen to these words immediately blown to is a slap "I want to give you some tetramine on the horse. Why do you talk so much? !”
Chapter DiSiErLiu Bai Gubai gang
Dog factory
Zhou Ming said piteously to Ma Laoer, "Can I have a cigarette?"
"Give it to him." Ma Laoer was annoyed and waved a greeting.
Liu Shu pulled out a cigarette case and stuffed it into Zhou Ming’s mouth to help him light it. "You have to slow down my horse and throw it to you. Find twenty strongest men in the dog pen to play with you."
Zhou Ming took a deep breath of cigarettes and sighed and said, "I have made some money, but I didn’t expect to make things so big in Fengbei. You said that I needed to know that it would kill people … You are all immortals, so I can’t afford to offend anyone."
Did Ma Laoer smell anything?
"I really can’t say this," Zhou Ming replied with a bitter face. "But you asked … I can’t say it without stepping on a horse, but you have to promise me that I told you something, and you have to find a way to protect me or I will die."
"You just stay in the dog factory or you won’t leave." Ma Laoer replied in a low voice.
Zhou Ming took a deep breath of his cigarette again and looked up at Ma Laoer and said, "It’s a brother from Bai Jiagang who came to see me. He said Qin Yu might want me to keep an eye on it."
Ma Laoer was immediately stuck when he heard this.
"He just promised me 3,000 yuan, and later said that if I could keep an eye on Qin Yu on the road, he would add 2,000 yuan." Zhou Ming said seriously, "There was a military vehicle going to pass through the inside, and someone I knew, so I asked them to keep an eye on Qin Yu’s car for me … that’s all."
"Did someone connect you after the military vehicle and the Qin Yu car were separated?" Ma Laoer asked with a gloomy face.
"No," Zhou Ming shook his head. "My friends in the military vehicle called me after the team split up and told me which way Qin Yu’s car was going. After that, I informed Bai Gang that the brother should be the one who cheered before them and followed Qin Yu."
"Did you connect afterwards?" Ma laoer asked again
"No, I ran away after I heard that Fengbei had caused a death," said Zhou Mingxiao. "The Bai Gang brothers sent me a text message but I didn’t reply."
Ma Laoer pondered for a long time and said hoarsely to Zhou Ming, "If you dare to lie, I will kill you and feed the dog."
"Why should I lie at this point?" Zhou Ming bowed his head and replied, "Give me five thousand dollars for stepping on a horse, and I won’t help them lose their heads. What’s more, I can’t run away with you now."
"What are the names of the Bai Gang brothers?"
"Koharu, he has been with Bai Gang for many years." Zhou Ming responded truthfully.
Ma Laoer got up and pointed to Zhou Ming and said, "Watch him and I’ll go back to Tuzha Street."
Zhou Ming immediately turned his head and shouted at Ma Laoer’s back, "Brother, you give me a whole shot of rabies vaccine, otherwise it won’t work in 24 hours …!"